Google Chrome is the trusted and preferred browser and operating system on the St Theresa campus. The browser works for and seamlessly with our Google Apps for Education products. The Google Apps for Education is reshaping teachers and students approaches to learning and thinking. By putting to use available 21st century technologies, teachers can deliver and students can receive the most up-to-date information they possibly can. More importantly, as we look to roll additional out Google products in our building, Chrome will also help us to push and lead our policy and security management.

What Is Chrome?

A Chromebook is a laptop computer. Instead of running Windows MacOS, it runs Google's Chrome operating system. The operating system is a Linux based system that relies heavily on the internet to function.

Because of the simple design and operation, they have become the favorites of schools.

St. Theresa currently has over 100 Chromebook devices that are available for teacher/student use throughout the school day. Several teachers also have issued Chromebooks so they are able to research and prepare lessons that will use the devices.


Chrome Web Store is available to the Public

Google Play for Education is ONLY available to teachers who have been selected by the domain admin. If you are a STS teacher and need access, contact the Technology Dept.

Google Apps In the Classrooms

Students grades 3-8 have access to Google Apps for Education Suite (known now as G Suite). The powerful collection of apps is used to enhance teaching and learning and is expected to used as such. Below are descriptors of general policies and expectations related to Google Apps use. To view our full technology acceptable use policy, click here.


Students have access to a Gmail system similar to one that you would find in public. The two exceptions are:

  • All content is screened and if needed filtered through passively monitoring by authorized school personnel 24/7/365.

  • Student are only permitted to communicate and work with users within the school domain (teachers and students only).


One of the major goals for using Google technology in the classroom is to allow students understand that as we meander through the learning process, technology is a tool to allow us to learn and explore our world. The tool is to be used appropriately to communicate, collaborate, and share information.


Etiquette, ethics, citizenship, safety are most topics that we be infused throughout our curriculum goals constantly with students. The "walled-garden" approach allows students to utilize the technology live. As situations arise, we use these at the teachable moments to train them to be ethical users of technology.


The school network provides content filtering for all network traffic. While this filtering system works, no network solution can ever offer 100% fool-proof security. For this reason, we train students and staff on basic internet safety principles. They are trained to recognize inappropriate situations by turning off the device or closing the website/app and telling a trusted adult about the situation. If situations are encountered, we appreciate notification from both students and parents. For home internet use, nothing replaces adult supervision, but we recommend checking out some of our safety sites and articles.


We train students and staff to use help systems available. In many apps, one only needs to search for the "Help" icon and they will find very quickly their ability to be able to search for whatever they need help with (e.g. upload a file, upload a class assignment). Please help us reiterate this training at home. Encourage them to look for help topics at first, then offer the answer after you know they've spent a reasonable amount of time hunting for the answer.


As we already stated, the Google Apps system is passively monitored for content. As with any network, there is no fool-proof method to guarantee security. Students and/or parents should be able to report any instances of suspected security breaches, inappropriate behavior/use, or instances of bullying to designated school administrators. This includes but is not limited to; our Principal Miss Keenley, system administrator Mr. Tuntland, or any member of our school/parish staff. For convenience, you may email concerns to